Las cámaras han evolucionado de una manera impresionante en los últimos años, y se han convertido hoy en día en herramientas impresionantes de creación de contenido. Tanto así, que limitarlas a un género o disciplina en particular ya no tiene mucho sentido hoy en día. Actualmente, todas las cámaras son capaces de grabar videos hasta cierto punto. Y sí, todavía son un poco limitadas en comparación con las cámaras de cine, pero definitivamente seguirán evolucionando.

Si ustedes se consideran creadores de contenido ambidextros, entonces sabrán lo beneficioso que es invertir en una capaz de funcionar de manera óptima y confiable en escenarios de grabación de imágenes fijas y de video. Por ello, hemos elaborado una lista breve pero amplia de las mejores cámaras de video para fotógrafos disponibles actualmente en el mercado.



Ha pasado ya una década desde que las iPads se convirtieron en parte fundamental de nuestras vidas; y en septiembre de este extraño año 2020, Apple anunció dos cosas importantes en relación a este tan popular y muy querido dispositivo electrónico. Primero, el anuncio de una iPad Air 4 recién rediseñada; y luego, una iPad 8 actualizada. ¡Aquí, describimos de manera general y amistosa algunas de las cosas que más nos han sorprendido de estas dos piezas de tecnología de Apple!


Presentada en Septiembre de 2020, la Sony ɑ7C es una cámara de formato completo (35mm) con un cuerpo compacto y un abundante potencial visual. Rápidamente ella fue titulada por muchos (incluidas las propias voces de Sony) como la "cámara de formato completo más pequeña y liviana del mundo" fabricada hasta el día de hoy. Algo que nos parece más bien un truco de mercadeo, e incluso una afirmación demasiado apresurada, especialmente si consideramos la DSC-RX1R II de Sony (que es 4.5 gramos más liviana y un poco más grande con 113.3 x 65.4 x 72mm contando su lente). Pero, es una declaración cierta si consideramos la cámara digital Zeiss ZX1 de aspecto futurista. Incluso después de considerar la cámara FP de Sigma, la Sony ɑ7c sigue siendo una cámara sin espejo de formato completo bastante amigable, convenientemente, pequeña y liviana con fuertes capacidades gracias a su sistema de lentes intercambiables; convirtiéndola en una de las cámaras más versátiles del planeta hasta ahora.
Leica SL2-S Overview

Leica SL2-S Overview

The brand new SL2-S is far from being the regular Leica, starting with the price; same which we find to be quite friendly when thinking about it for a moment.

Body only, the Leica SL2-S is listed as $4,895.00, which is quite pricey when compared to other full- frame cameras, but is way below Leica's more expensive M cameras, and after watching some of those specs, we are sure that this model is insanely capable of delivering beautiful image quality at a somewhat accessible price.

Unfortunately, we haven't had the pleasure of playing with this magnificent beast so far, but for the moment we've crunched down several reviews into one single yet friendly overview for you to grasp on everything that there's to know about the Leica SL2-S.

Best Video Cameras for Photographers

Best Video Cameras for Photographers

Cameras have evolved into such powerful content creation tools that limiting them to one particular genre or discipline is quite pointless nowadays. Mainly all cameras in the broad sense are now capable of shooting video to some extent. And if they are still a bit limited when compared to cinema cameras, they will still continue to evolve.

If you are an ambidextrous content creator, then you'll know how beneficial it is to invest in a camera that is capable of performing well under both still and video shooting scenarios. Here we've crafted a brief yet broad list of the best video cameras for photographers currently available on the market right now!

Nikon Z6 II and Nikon Z7 II Overview

Nikon Z6 II and Nikon Z7 II Overview

A bit more than two years have passed since Nikon's first serious contributions to the mirrorless camera world with the Z6 y Z7. Now, after two months of Mark II for each model were unveiled, we finally had the chance of making a proper overview of them both as they come closer to become available for the general public. We won't compare them side by side, but will treat them as two separate models with each their pros and cons. Each camera has been designed to suit two specific types of content creators; and after over viewing them, you'll be able to make up your mind.

In short, it seems to us that Nikon has aimed the Z6 II to video content creators, while the Z7 II is more in the route of high quality still image making. So, Z6 II for video, and Z7 II for photography. But, let's see if this is true.

GoPro HERO9 Black Action Cam Overview

GoPro HERO9 Black Action Cam Overview

There is no better way to reroute towards the end of such an odd year than with a tiny pack of everything improved! That's what GoPro promises us with the brand-new HERO9 Black. A true masterpiece of both optics and engineering. More power. More clarity. More stability, More everything, and better than ever!

Today, we'll take a broad overview at the groundbreaking HERO9 Black, featuring a huge 23.6MP sensor with the power of delivering 5K video and generous 20MP still-shots. The most notorious change is the front display, but trust us, there's a lot more happening inside this tiny beast!

Apple Unveils iPhone 12 Pro & 12 Pro Max

Apple Unveils iPhone 12 Pro & 12 Pro Max

What a great timing it is to have the new iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max in the context of the holidays. Recently, Apple announced their most iPhone iPhone ever to be created so far. These folks have taken 5G and made it pro thanks to their brand new, state of the art, A14 Bionic 5- nanometer chip with internal components so advanced that they literally have nanometric components inside.

But With Two Similar Devices, Which One To Pick?

Well, we'll leave that to you after we present you the specs on these two magnificent pieces of technology. But not before telling you in our words what we had been able to find about them so far.

Leica Q2 Monochrom Overview

Leica Q2 Monochrom Overview

After the recent unveiling of the Q2 Monochrom, Leica adds up to the general consent that black and white offers something special when it comes to photography. More than a format, monochrome photography is a particular way of rendering both light and perception. And after the appearance of digital photography, something of the aesthetic was dramatically changed forever.

With more capable photographic sensors, black and white photography transformed into something that happens in post-production rather than in camera; and with the overall Monochrom line-up, Leica takes us back to those days in which black and white was purely a management result from blending optics and light sensible materials. And with the Q2 Monochrom, Leica gives photographers unbiased access to this captivating form of visual expression.

Men & Women Leather Wallets

Men & Women Leather Wallets

Beyond being an everyday essential accessory, wallets quickly evolve into an identity artifact of every individual. They get so personal, that the only thing we could compare them to, in terms of identity properties, is to smartphones! Curious enough, wallets are rarely bought by the user itself; and rather received as gifts by friends or family. In fact, they tend to be replaced as the result of receiving a new one.

In some cultures, there is a symbolic act related to luck and upcoming wealth. When a wallet is given as a gift, people usually include a bit of cash in them (the amount is not important although some people enjoy giving a bit too much). This symbolizes that one hopes that the wallet is never left out empty, and that can be extrapolated to credit and debit cards too! Not from giving one, but you the idea.

The History of Leather Wallets

The History of Leather Wallets

Have you ever wondered how odd would it be to have a minimalist designed wallet filled with coins and other random stuff? Well, that could possibly be the case if you'd be able to travel back in time with your current wallet to, hmmm, let's say the fifteenth or even nineteenth century.

The other day, we were just hanging around and this quite goofy idea aroused into the chit chat. If time traveling was possible in an elegant and non-risky kind of way, which could be the quirks of mimicking with the local culture from the past?

DJI POCKET 2 Overview

DJI POCKET 2 Overview

A couple of weeks ago, DJI announced a very much expected piece of image-related gear, the Pocket 2 camera. This is a state of the arte gimbal camera that continues on the Osmo tradition left behind by original DJI Pocket gimbal.

As expected, the DJI Pocket 2 is the perfect lightweight companion for the creative content creator who needs a compact solution that can easily fit on any pocket you could think of. Version 2 delivers 4K/60fps video, comes with a 64MP imaging sensor, and DJI Matrix Stereo technology for you to easily dive into film-making right away from the box.